Evaluation of buildings, apartments
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Why evaluate apartments?
Valuation of buildings and apartments is required in the following cases:
- concluding a contract of sale, gift, etc.;
- re-registration of ownership after the death of the owner;
- division of property in case of divorce or other legal disputes;
- transfer of the apartment as collateral (lending).
How is the value of apartments determined?
When estimating the value of real estate in most cases, the so-called comparative approach is used. The essence of this method is that the initial data for calculating the market value of real estate are the prices of offers to sell such objects. Here it is necessary to explain why the appraiser relies on the prices of offers, instead of on the data of actually concluded agreements. The fact is that firstly - such data are not publicly available, and secondly - unfortunately in modern conditions, the actual price may not correspond to market realities, ie be understated in the case of sale of property, or overstated if the property was mortgaged.
Which properties should be considered similar to the one being valued? Such objects are considered to be real estate that has the same basic characteristics as the object of evaluation. The following main characteristics of apartments in determining their value include (sorting by reducing the level of impact):
- location - the objects to be compared should be selected in the same neighborhood (or in neighborhoods with a similar level of infrastructure) where the evaluated apartment is located. The main criterion of location in small towns can be the distance to the city center, the availability of places for recreation and, conversely, the lack of industrial zones, etc.;
- type of house - you can conditionally divide apartment buildings into the following types: pre-revolutionary, "Khrushchev", "Stalin", special projects of the second half of the twentieth century (so-called "sovminy"), typical prefabricated houses (CT, APPS, etc.), houses of modern construction (approximately since 2000);
new buildings (not older than three or four years); - total area - the object of assessment and the analogue must be similar to each other by this criterion. In practice, deviations of this indicator are allowed within 15%. If the difference in total areas is greater - obviously as an analogue chosen an apartment in another house, which in most assessment situations is unacceptable;
- number of rooms - this criterion makes more sense when determining the value of apartments in typical houses of the construction period of the second half of the twentieth century.
In modern apartments in the first place is the total living space, because, for example, an apartment of 80 sq.m. can have two or three rooms. And in some new buildings apartments with a total area of †‹вЂ‹ over 200 square meters, which are on the documents as one-room. Floors on the ground floor are usually less attractive to potential buyers and cost less than similar apartments on the middle floors. Exceptions may be houses near significant traffic and human flows, where ground floor apartments can be considered by investors as potential non-residential premises - hairdressers, bank branches, shops and more. Also, apartments that are located on the top floors are usually sold cheaper than apartments on the middle floors. This is due to two factors: firstly, such apartments are more affected by external factors (roof), and secondly - the top floor and attic - hard-to-reach floors for the elderly, disabled, etc., and it is a favorite place for meetings of youth and antisocial elements (noise, garbage, danger).
Therefore, when evaluating apartments, the appraiser must take into account the factor of superficiality: the first, middle, last; condition of interior decoration of the house, its complete set with furniture and household appliances. It should be noted here that the term "appraisal of an apartment" means the determination of the value of real estate, taking into account only non-negative improvements. Therefore, if the appraisal of property is carried out, for example, for its distribution in the event of divorce, the appraiser is given two separate tasks: to determine the value of real estate and to determine the value of movable property. Thus, when conducting an expert appraisal, the real estate appraiser is looking for proposals for the sale of similar property, taking into account the above factors. However, in practice it is quite rare to find information on the sale of a sufficient number of objects of comparison, which would be identical to the object of evaluation by all these criteria. Therefore, the offer prices of the objects of comparison can be adjusted for those indicators where there is a difference.
What documents are required to evaluate the apartment?
The following documents are required for expert evaluation of the apartment:
- Legal documents, ie documents on the basis of which the apartment belongs to the owner. This can be a contract of sale, a contract of gift, a mine, a certificate of ownership, a court decision, and so on.
- Technical inventory office - technical passport.
- Passport of the owner (co-owner) of the apartment. In the event of the owner's death, a death certificate, a document linking the deceased and the heir (birth certificate, marriage certificate, court decision, etc.), and the heir's passport must be provided.