Valuation of movable property
- Hits: 1671
Evaluation of buildings, apartments
Evaluation of construction works
Valuation of objects in intangible form
Valuation of intellectual property rights
Assessment of integral property complexes
Evaluation of machinery and equipment
Evaluation of wheeled vehicles
Valuation of movable property - is a set of works aimed at establishing the value of any movables, equipment, machinery, goods in circulation, vehicles, etc. movable property in a specific period of time. The whole process is carried out in accordance with current legislation and is carried out by the subjects of evaluation activities. In this case, the establishment of the value of the object of evaluation means the market value, as quite often it may differ from the expected. This is a process where qualified professionals assess the potential market value of almost any movable property (except those of cultural value), machinery, equipment, etc., taking into account all the factors that may affect its price at the moment and in the near future.
Expert assessment of property is an essential aspect of legal registration of change of ownership rights to high-value property. This applies to contracts of inheritance, sale, gift, exchange, pledge, lease, damage during the operational period, etc. If the assessment, which is made in the form of a specialized report, is absent - the notary will refuse to certify the legality of the change of property owner, and therefore, from the point of view of the law, the owner's property will not change and the agreement will be invalid.
In which cases is an expert assessment conducted?
Expert assessment of property is carried out in a number of cases:
- carrying out purchase and sale transactions;
- lease of the object;
- inclusion of objects in the authorized capital of enterprises;
- evaluation when donating;
- execution of a pledge agreement to obtain a loan;
- for concluding insurance contracts;
- for accounting purposes;
- in resolving property disputes;
- market valuation to make management decisions;
- creation of enterprises (business associations) on the basis of state property or property in communal ownership;
- reorganization, bankruptcy, liquidation of state, communal enterprises and enterprises (business associations) with the state share of property (share of communal property);
- allocation or determination of the share of property in the common property in which there is a state share (share of communal property);
- determination of the value of contributions of participants and founders of a business association, if the property of business associations with a state share (share of communal property) is contributed to the specified partnership, as well as in case of withdrawal (exclusion) of a participant or founder from such a partnership;
- privatization and other alienation in cases established by law, lease, exchange, insurance of state property, property in communal ownership, as well as the return of this property on the basis of a court decision;
- revaluation of fixed assets for accounting purposes;
- property taxation in accordance with the law;
- determination of damages or the amount of compensation in cases established by law;
- in other cases by court decision or in connection with the need to protect the public interest.
What documents are required for the assessment?
Certain documents are required from the party requesting such a service as a monetary assessment. The list of documents depends on the type of object of evaluation and in each case may differ.
To order a property appraisal you need to provide the following documents:
- for individuals - passport (1, 2 and page with registration) and identification code;
- for legal entities - the charter, the certificate of state registration, the USREOU certificate;
- a document certifying the right of ownership of the object of evaluation;
- technical passport of the object;
- photo of the object of appraised real estate;
- additional materials required for the assessment are considered individually.