Topographic, geodetic and cartographic works
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Construction and development of survey (geodetic) networks
Creating cadastral maps and plans
Topographic, geodetic and cartographic works are carried out in order to create and timely update the planning and cartographic basis for land management in the manner prescribed by the Law of Ukraine “On topographic, geodetic and cartographic activities”.
List of topographic, geodetic and cartographic works that we carry out:
- work on topographic-geodetic and cartographic support of cadastral activity - creation, development and maintenance in working order of geodetic networks of special purpose, creation and updating of cartographic basis of state cadastre, creation of local coordinate systems, the procedure of which is established by specially authorized central executive body. state policy in the field of land relations;
- works on topographic-geodetic and cartographic support of town-planning activity - creation of geodetic and cartographic materials and data for planning of the territory, design, construction and reconstruction of objects of capital construction, creation of engineering and transport infrastructure, and also carrying out necessary engineering researches;
- creation of geographical information systems of special (thematic) purpose;
- creation of thematic maps, plans and atlases of special purpose in graphic, digital and other forms, publication of such maps, plans and atlases;
- geodetic, topographic, aerial surveying and other special works during other surveys and special works;
- performance of research and development works;
- creation and updating of state topographic maps and plans in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms, the accuracy and content of which ensure the solution of national defense, research and other tasks, publication of these maps and plans;
- creation, development and maintenance of state geodetic and high-altitude geodetic networks, including gravimetric fundamental and first class, the density and accuracy of which provide the creation of state topographic maps and plans, solving national defense, research and other tasks;
- creation and updating of cadastral maps (plans), providing them, as well as the necessary topographic and geodetic information to users for maintaining the State registration system of land and other real estate, maintaining a data bank;
- determination of permanent geographical objects on the territory of Ukraine;
- formation and maintenance of regional cartographic and geodetic funds;
- creation of geographic information systems;
- design, compilation and publication of general geographical, political-administrative, scientific-reference and other thematic maps and atlases of interdepartmental significance, educational cartographic manuals;
- topographic, geodetic, cartographic and hydrographic support of delimitation, demarcation and inspection of the state border of Ukraine;
- implementation of research and development work in the field of geodesy, cartography, metrological and regulatory support of topographic, geodetic and cartographic works.