Preparation of technical documentation
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Preparation of land management projects
Establishing the boundaries of administrative-territorial entities
Land Inventory of all categories
Drawing up schemes for land management
Today, such technical materials, according to Article 55 of the Law of Ukraine "On Land Management" - are technical documentation for the establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground). The procedure for establishing the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground) is carried out on the basis of technical documentation on land management, which determines the location of turning points within the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground). The developed technical documentation on the establishment of boundaries is also one of the documents that makes it possible to obtain an extract from the State Land Cadastre (extract from the State Land Cadastre).
Western Ukrainian Expert Advisory Center has extensive experience, technical capabilities and relevant specialists to develop technical documentation for establishing the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground). We have the opportunity to perform a full range of turnkey works, starting with cadastral survey of land, development of technical documentation and ending with obtaining an extract from the SLC. If necessary, we can also register the real right to land in the State Register of Real Property Rights and Encumbrances.
The mechanism for establishing (restoring) the boundaries of land plots in kind (on the ground) and fixing them with boundary markers, ie developing such documentation, is defined by the “Instruction on establishing (restoring) boundaries of land plots in kind (on the ground) and fixing them with boundary markers” approved by order State Land Committee of Ukraine of May 18, 2010 №376. .
In accordance with paragraph 2.1 of this Instruction, the establishment of land boundaries in kind (on the ground) is carried out on the basis of developed and approved in accordance with Article 186 of the Land Code of Ukraine land management documentation, including technical land management documentation for land boundaries in kind (on the ground) - in the case when the owner (user) of the land plot is issued a document certifying the right to the land plot, without taking out the boundaries of such plot in kind (on the ground) and fixing them with boundary marks.
Thus, the owner or user of the land should already have a decision on the transfer or provision of the land he uses.
Article map (click on the title to go)
Technical documentation that can be prepared by the "Western Ukrainian Expert Advisory Center" at the request of the customer:
Technical land management documentation for the division and consolidation of land plots
Technical documentation for the establishment and change of boundaries of settlements
Technical documentation on land management to establish the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground)
Documents for ordering technical documentation on land management to establish the boundaries of the land in kind:
- Notarized document certifying the right of ownership of the land plot;
- Extract from the decision on the basis of which the land was granted;
- A copy of the certificate of ownership of the house, if the land is built up;
- A copy of the technical passport for the house (all pages), if the land is built up;
- Certificate from the village (settlement, city) council on the absence of buildings, if the land is not built up. (For plots for gardening - certificate of the chairman of the garden society);
- When registering the inheritance - a request from a notary, a copy of the death certificate, a copy of the passport and identification number of the deceased;
- Copy of passport and identification number (copies of legal documents for legal entities);
- Copy of passport and identification number.
Establishment of boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground) is carried out in accordance with topographic, geodetic and cartographic materials.
Establishment of boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground) is carried out on the basis of technical documentation on land management, which determines the location of turning points of the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground).
Land management documentation for the establishment of boundaries of housing and public buildings is developed as part of the master plan of the settlement, land distribution projects and is the basis for establishing the boundaries of land in kind (on the ground).
The boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground) are fixed by boundary marks of the established pattern.
If the boundaries of land plots in kind (on the ground) coincide with natural and artificial linear structures and boundaries (rivers, streams, canals, forest belts, roads, road structures, fences, fences, facades of buildings and other linear structures and boundaries, etc.) , boundary marks may not be set.
Landowners and land users, including tenants, are obliged to adhere to the boundaries of the land plot, fixed in kind (on the ground) with boundary signs of the established pattern.
Boundary signs are issued under the act under the supervision of the preservation of land owners and land users, including tenants.
Output package of documents:
- Notarized copy of the State act on the land plot.
- Notarized copy of title documents for real estate and technical passport (if there are buildings on the land).
- Copies of documents of a natural or legal person.
Stages of work to be performed:
- Analysis of the initial package of documents and preparatory geodetic and land management works.
- Departure of the geodetic team to the area and cadastral survey of the land plot.
- Processing of geodetic measurements and drawing up of borders of the land plot.
- Preparation of technical documentation and signing by the customer, village (city, town) council and adjacent landowners.
- State registration of land in the State Land.
Technical land management documentation for the division and consolidation of land plots
Documents for ordering technical documentation on land management for division and consolidation of land plots:
- Notarized copy of the document certifying the right of ownership of the land plot;
- Notarized copy of the notarized consent for division / unification of the land plot;
- A copy of the certificate of ownership of the house, if the land is built up;
- A copy of the technical passport for the house (all pages), if the land is built up;
- Certificate from the village (settlement, city) council on the absence of buildings, if the land is not built up. (For plots for gardening - certificate of the chairman of the garden society);
- Copy of passport and identification number (copies of legal documents for legal entities);
- Information reference on the land plot.
Technical documentation on land management for the division and consolidation of land includes:
a) an explanatory note;
b) terms of reference for the preparation of documentation, approved by the customer of the documentation;
c) cadastral plans of land plots, which are combined into one land plot, or part of the land plot, which is allocated to a separate land plot;
d) materials of field geodetic works;
e) the act of acceptance-transfer of boundary markers for storage at division of the land plot on the division boundary;
f) a list of encumbrances on land rights, restrictions on its use and available land easements;
g) notarized consent to the division or consolidation of the land plot of the pledgees, users of the land plot (in case the land plot is pledged, used);
h) consent of the owner of the land plot, for state-owned lands - the body authorized to dispose of the land plot, to division or association of land plots by the user (except for cases of division of the land plot in connection with acquisition of ownership of a dwelling house located on it ).
Output package of documents:
- Notarized copy of the Application for division or consolidation of land.
- Notarized copy of title documents to the land.
- Notarized copy of title documents for real estate and a copy of the technical passport (if there is a house on the site).
- Copy of documents of a natural or legal person.
Stages of work to be performed:
Division of land:
- Analysis of the initial package of documents and preparatory geodetic and land management works.
- Departure of the geodetic team to the area and cadastral survey of the land plot.
- Processing of geodetic measurements and preparation of the plan of division of the land plot in coordination with the customer.
- Preparation of technical documentation for the division of land and signing by the customer.
- State registration of land in the State Land Cadastre (14 working days).
Land consolidation:
- Analysis of the initial package of documents and preparatory land management works.
- Preparation of a land consolidation plan and signing by the customer.
- Preparation of technical documentation for land consolidation and signing by the customer.
- State registration of land in the State Land Cadastre (14 working days).
If there is real estate on the site, the departure of the surveying team is mandatory for both types of work.
Technical documentation on land management for the establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground).
Documents for ordering technical documentation on land management for the establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of the land in kind (on the ground):
- Notarized document certifying the right of ownership of the land plot;
- Easement agreement (notarized copy);
- A copy of the certificate of ownership of the house, if the land is built up;
- A copy of the technical passport for the house (all pages), if the land is built up;
- Copy of passport and identification number.
Establishment of the boundaries of the part of the land plot to which the sublease rights, easement apply, is carried out in accordance with topographic, geodetic and cartographic materials.
Technical documentation on land management to establish the boundaries of the part of the land plot to which the sublease rights, easements apply, includes:
a) an explanatory note;
b) terms of reference for the preparation of documentation, approved by the customer of the documentation;
c) cadastral plan of the land plot with indication of the boundaries of the part of the land plot to which the sublease rights, servitude apply;
d) materials of field geodetic works;
e) copies of documents that are the basis for the emergence of sublease rights, easements.
Technical documentation for the establishment and change of boundaries of settlements
Output data:
- Project of territory formation and establishment of borders.
- Materials on inventory and allocation of land to legal entities and individuals for various purposes within the village council.
- Materials of town-planning documentation.
- Decision of the village council on approval of the Master Plan.
- Master plan.
- Planning - cartographic basis of scale 1: 2000, on which the general plan is developed (digital vector in the format of DMF, DWG, SHP and digital orthophotoplans).
- Extracts from land statistical reporting (form 6-land)
The order of performance of works:
- Collection, systematization, analysis and study of secondary data.
- Selection of planning and cartographic materials, field works, in-house works.
- Development of planning and cartographic materials, preparation of text materials, verification and execution of land management documentation.
- Preparation of materials for approval of land management documentation and sending it for approval, obtaining the results of approval required for the state land management examination.
- Obtaining a positive conclusion of the state land management expertise on the land management project to establish (change) the boundaries of the settlement.