Checking soil surveys
- Hits: 571
Preparation of technical documentation
Preparation of land management projects
Establishing the boundaries of administrative-territorial entities
Land Inventory of all categories
Drawing up schemes for land management
Soil, geobotanical and other land surveys are carried out in order to obtain information on the quality of land, as well as to identify lands affected by water and wind erosion, flooding, radioactive and chemical contamination and other negative phenomena.
The information obtained during the surveys is used for:
a) conducting agro-ecological assessment of lands;
b) development of forecasts and programs of land use and protection, schemes and land management projects;
c) keeping records of the quality of land;
d) land monitoring;
e) adoption by executive authorities and local self-government bodies of decisions on land reclamation and conservation, introduction of restrictions on land use, restoration, preservation and increase of soil fertility, improvement of natural landscapes, etc .;
f) development of land management measures for the organization of rational use and protection of land;
g) substantiation of business plans and land management projects.
Work on field soil surveys and soil map preparation include:
- selection and identification of cartographic, soil and other materials;
- collection of information on the condition and use of land in the surveyed area;
- laying of sections and excavations with their drawing on a cartographic basis;
- description, selection and systematization of soil samples;
- compilation of soil maps and maps of agricultural production groups;
- clarification of the list of soils;
- compilation of legends and symbols;
- consideration of preliminary proposals on land use and protection with farm specialists;
- compiling a report.
The result of field soil surveys and soil map preparation is a technical report, which includes materials of preparatory works, field soil surveys, soil cartograms and agricultural soil groups.
Complexes of works on geobotanical researches and drawing up of a geobotanical map:
- study of natural conditions of the work area, vegetation and recommendations for the improvement of forage lands;
- allocation of boundaries of geobotanical contours on planned cartographic materials;
- description of the cultural and technical condition of forage lands, features of their use;
- compilation of summary tables of average vegetation indicators by types, groups of types or subclasses of vegetation;
- compiling lists of basic fodder, poisonous and inedible plants;
- drawing up and registration of the geobotanical map of forage lands;
- determination of fodder stocks on forage lands, compilation of summary information of fodder stocks, areas, economic and cultural condition;
- development of measures for the use and improvement of forage lands;
- drawing up and registration of the original cartogram of a cultural and technical condition;
- coordination with experts of farms of preliminary results of inspection and sites which are subject to radical improvement.
The result of such work is a technical report, which includes materials of preparatory work, field research and geobotanical map and cartograms of crops of technical condition.