Execution of land management works
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Topographic, geodetic and cartographic works
Construction and development of survey (geodetic) networks
Creating cadastral maps and plans
Preparation of technical documentation
Preparation of land management projects
Establishing the boundaries of administrative-territorial entities
Land Inventory of all categories
Drawing up schemes for land management
Land management is a set of socio-economic and environmental measures aimed at regulating land relations and rational organization of the territory of administrative-territorial units, economic entities, carried out under the influence of social and industrial relations and the development of productive forces.
The purpose of land management is to ensure the rational use and protection of land, creating a favorable ecological environment and improving natural landscapes.
The main tasks of land management are:
- implementation of the state policy on scientifically substantiated redistribution of lands, formation of a rational system of land tenure and land use with elimination of shortcomings in the location of lands, creation of ecologically sustainable landscapes and agrosystems;
- information support of the legal, economic, ecological and town-planning mechanism of regulation of land relations at the national, regional, local, economic levels by development of offers on establishment of the special mode and conditions of land use;
- establishment of the boundaries of administrative-territorial units, territories with special environmental, recreational and protected regimes, boundaries of land plots of owners and land users;
- implementation of measures for forecasting, planning, organization of rational use and protection of lands at the national, regional, local and economic levels;
- organization of territories of agricultural enterprises with creation of spatial conditions providing ecological and economic optimization of use and protection of agricultural lands, introduction of progressive forms of organization of land use management, improvement of ratio and placement of lands, system of crop rotations, haymaking and pasture changes;
- development of a system of measures for preservation and improvement of natural landscapes, restoration and increase of soil fertility, reclamation of disturbed lands and earthing of unproductive lands, protection of lands from erosion, flooding, drying, landslides, secondary salinization and waterlogging, compaction, pollution and industrial pollution types of degradation, conservation of degraded and unproductive lands, prevention of other negative phenomena;
- organization of territories of non-agricultural enterprises, organizations and institutions in order to create conditions for efficient land use and restrictions and burdens in land use.
Carrying out of works on land management provides also carrying out of the following works:
- Carrying out of works on land management provides also carrying out of the following works:
- establishment (restoration) on the territory of the boundaries of administrative-territorial units, land tenure and land use;
- development of national and regional land use and protection programs;
- drawing up land management schemes, development of technical and economic substantiations of land use and protection of relevant administrative-territorial units;
- justification for establishing the boundaries of territories with special environmental, recreational and protected regimes;
- drafting of land allotment projects;
- establishment in kind (on the ground) of the boundaries of land plots;
- preparation of land management projects that provide ecological and economic justification of crop rotations, land management, as well as the development of measures for land protection;
- development of other land management documentation related to land use and protection;
- author's supervision over the implementation of measures provided for in the land management documentation;
- conducting topographic and geodetic, cartographic, soil, geobotanical and other surveys and explorations of lands.
The Western Ukrainian Expert-Advisory Center is a professional executor of land management works.
As part of land management work, the Center carries out the following activities:
1. Carrying out toopographic-geodetic and cartographic works for the purpose of creation and updating of the planning-cartographic basis at realization of land management, namely:
- work on topographic-geodetic and cartographic support of cadastral activity - creation, development and maintenance in working order of geodetic networks of special purpose, creation and updating of cartographic basis of state cadastre, creation of local coordinate systems, the procedure of which is established by specially authorized central executive body. state policy in the field of land relations;
- works on topographic-geodetic and cartographic support of town-planning activity - creation of geodetic and cartographic materials and data for territory planning, design, construction and reconstruction of capital construction objects, creation of engineering and transport infrastructure, as well as carrying out necessary engineering surveys;
- creation of geographical information systems of special (thematic) purpose;
- creation of thematic maps, plans and atlases of special purpose in graphic, digital and other forms, publication of such maps, plans and atlases;
- geodetic, topographic, aerial surveying and other special works during other surveys and special works;
- performance of research and development works;
- creation and updating of state topographic maps and plans in graphic, digital, photographic and other forms, the accuracy and content of which ensure the solution of national defense, research and other tasks, publication of these maps and plans;
- creation, development and maintenance of state geodetic and high-altitude geodetic networks, including gravimetric fundamental and first class, the density and accuracy of which provide the creation of state topographic maps and plans, solving national defense, research and other tasks;
- creation and updating of cadastral maps (plans), providing them, as well as the necessary topographic and geodetic information to users for maintaining the State registration system of land and other real estate, maintaining a data bank;
- determination of permanent geographical objects on the territory of Ukraine;
- formation and maintenance of regional cartographic and geodetic funds;
- creation of geographic information systems;
- design, compilation and publication of general geographical, political-administrative, scientific-reference and other thematic maps and atlases of interdepartmental significance, educational cartographic manuals;
- topographic, geodetic, cartographic and hydrographic support of delimitation, demarcation and inspection of the state border of Ukraine;
- implementation of research and development work in the field of geodesy, cartography, metrological and regulatory support of topographic, geodetic and cartographic works.
1.1 Construction and development of survey (geodetic) networks with the laying of theodolite courses.
1.2 Conducting cadastral surveys, including:
- geodetic establishment of the boundaries of the land plot;
- coordination of the boundaries of the land plot with adjacent owners and land users;
- restoration of the boundaries of the land plot on the ground;
- establishing the boundaries of parts of the land plot that contain encumbrances and restrictions on land use;
- preparation of a cadastral plan.
1.3 Carrying out topographic surveys of the area on a scale of 1: 500 - 1: 5000, including aerial photography by aircraft, as well as field and in-house work, technical report, drawing red lines, etc.
1.4 Carrying out of geodetic works, together with carrying out of survey works and definition of a survey geodetic basis with use of the state general geodetic system of points:
- precise definition of the boundaries and shape of the studied land plot;
- fixation (by determining the exact boundaries) of those parts of the land where the restrictions or encumbrances come into force;
- bringing the established boundaries of the plot in line with neighboring (adjacent) plots;
- compilation on the basis of the received data of the cadastral plan;
- collection and generalization of source cartographic and documentary data;
- primary work in the field: general study of the area, tacheometric survey of the terrain and objects located on the site (vegetation, communications, reservoirs, etc.). For underground communications, tracing is carried out, the depth of their laying and places of exits to the surface are determined, as well as the basic materials for pipes and cables are indicated. Upon completion of field work, the survey site is included in the state coordinate system for geodesy;
- processing of field results. Making drawings, compiling quantitative indicators, drawing on ready-made plans of designations of existing objects. The compiled documentation is agreed in a number of operational services. The result of these procedures is to obtain seals on the topographic survey and acceptance of documents for the archive - after that the geodetic works are considered approved by the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture.
1.5 Creating cadastral maps and plans.
2. Preparation of technical documentation on:
- establishment (restoration) of the boundaries of the land plot in kind (on the ground);
- division and consolidation of land plots;
- establishing and changing the boundaries of settlements;
- determination and establishment in kind (on the ground) of the state border of Ukraine;
- establishing the boundaries of the part of the land plot to which the sublease rights and easements apply;
- land inventory etc.
3. Preparation of land management projects for:
establishment and change of borders of administrative-territorial formations;
privatization of lands of state agricultural enterprises, institutions and organizations;
organization of the territory of land shares (units);
providing ecological and economic justifications for crop rotation and land management.
4. Inventory of lands of all categories.
5. Drawing up of the following schemes on land management:
обґрунтування використання та охорони земель адміністративно-територіальних одиниць;
організації і встановлення меж територій природно-заповідного фонду та іншого природоохоронного призначення, оздоровчого, рекреаційного, історико-культурного, лісогосподарського призначення, земель водного фонду та водоохоронних зон, обмежень у використанні земель та їх режимоутворюючих об’єктів;
впорядкування території населених пунктів;
робочі проекти землеустрою.
7. Making exchange files in XML.