Examination of documents of accounting, tax accounting and the reporting
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Examination of documents on economic activity of enterprises and organizations
Examination of documents of financial and credit operations
The main tasks of examination of accounting, tax accounting and reporting documents are:
- determination of documentary substantiation of the amount of shortage or surplus of inventory and cash, period and place of their formation;
- determination of documentary substantiation of registration of operations on reception, storage, manufacturing, realization of inventory items, including monetary, fixed assets, rendering of services;
- determining the documentary validity of the reflection in the accounting of cash, securities;
- determination of documentary substantiation of reflection in the accounting of operations on accrual and payment of wages, other payments;
- establishing compliance with current legislation of the reflection in the tax accounting of income and expenses on financial and economic transactions subject to income tax;
- determination of compliance with the current legislation of reflection in tax accounting of tax liabilities and tax credit for value added tax.
Carrying out audit actions (determination by economic experts of any economic indicators without prior documentary inspections of financial and economic activities by the subject of control) does not belong to the tasks of economic expertise.
Indicative list of issues to be addressed:
- Does the documented act of inventory confirm (lack of details of the act) the shortage (surplus) of cash at the box office in the amount (indicate the amount) at the enterprise (indicate the name of the institution, organization) for the period (specify)?
- Is the documented lack of inventory, established by the act of inventory at the enterprise (indicate the name of the organization), for the period of work (indicate the period) of the materially responsible person (indicate the name, surname, patronymic) in the amount (indicate quantitative and cost indicators)?
- Is the lack of fixed assets documented (name of the organization, quantitative and cost indicators)?
- Is the amount of unjustifiably paid and written off at the box office (the name of the enterprise) salary confirmed, taking into account the data provided by the body (person) who appointed the expertise (involved) (expert), and the conclusions of handwriting examination that that the signatures in the payment documents on the receipt of wages (information number, period) are not made by the persons specified in them?
- Is the travel expenses (in what amount) justified (reimbursed to whom and for what period)?
- Is the unsubstantiated write-off of construction materials, accrual and payment of wages for the inflated volume and cost of work performed (taking into account the conclusions of other types of examinations) confirmed?
- Is the documented claims of the plaintiff (name of the enterprise) the amount of debt for the supplied to the enterprise (name) inventory, work performed (services provided) under the contract (number and date of the contract) for the period (specify the period), including taking into account the conclusions of other types of examinations?
- Is the understated document of the tax inspection (details of the act) understatement of the object of taxation (indicate the organization) for the period (indicate which) and surcharge for taxes and mandatory payments to the budget (indicate which)?
- Do the incomes determined and declared by the enterprise (name) for the period (the period is indicated) correspond to the provided primary documents and requirements of the Tax Code of Ukraine.
- Whether the determined and declared expenses by the enterprise (name) for the period (the period is specified) correspond to the provided primary documents and requirements of the Tax code of Ukraine.
- Are the volumes of business transactions and settlements with non-residents documented?
- Are the conclusions of the act of the state tax inspection (number, date) on overstatement by the enterprise (name) of the declared amount of the budgetary refund from the value added tax for the period (the period is specified) documented?
- Is the documented object of taxation of income paid by the enterprise (name of the enterprise) to a non-resident (name) with the source of its origin from Ukraine in the period (indicate the period) confirmed?
List of required documents
Similar questions can be asked about other types of taxes and mandatory payments. Along with the document on the appointment of the examination (involvement of an expert), the expert should provide accounting and tax accounting documents that contain information - the source data to address the issues.
Such documents may be: income and expenditure invoices, warrants, reports of materially responsible persons, inventory cards, cash books, inventory materials, acts of audits, reports, orders, acts of acceptance of work performed, employment contracts, settlement payment statements, bank statements, payment instructions and requirements, agreements on material responsibility, accumulative (circulating) information, journals-orders, memorial orders on balance accounts, general ledgers, balance sheets and other primary and consolidated documents of accounting and tax accounting and reporting.
If the accounting was carried out in electronic and computer form, the expert is provided with accounting registers in printed form, which must be certified in the prescribed manner.
If the examination is appointed to verify the conclusions of the documentary audit, the document on the appointment of the examination (involvement of an expert) indicates which conclusions and for what reasons are in doubt (contradict other case materials, unconvincingly substantiated by financial inspectors, etc.).
If necessary, to determine which documents should be provided to the expert for research in each case, it is advisable to consult an expert economist. Documents should be organized in chronological order (according to the respective periods), bound, bound and numbered.
The expert should be provided with accounting and tax documents, which contain the initial data to address the issues. Such documents may be income and expenditure invoices, tax invoices, warrants, reports of materially responsible persons, inventory cards, cash books, inventory materials, acts of audits and inspections, reports, orders, acts of acceptance of work performed, employment contracts, settlement payment information , bank statements, payment orders and claims, liability agreements, accumulative (circulating) information, journals, warrants, memorial orders on balance accounts, general ledgers, registers of tax invoices, tax returns, balance sheets and other primary and consolidated accounting and tax documents accounting and reporting.
If the accounting and tax accounting was carried out in electronic computing form, the expert is provided with the registers of accounting and tax accounting in printed form, which must be certified in the prescribed manner. It should be noted that in addition they can be provided at the request of the expert on electronic media.
If necessary, to determine which documents should be provided to the expert for research in each case, it is advisable to consult an expert economist.
To conduct the study, it is necessary to provide original documents or duly certified quality copies.
Due to the large number of research objects, often the expert economist, there are difficulties with unsatisfactory preparation of documents, the body (person) who appointed the examination (involved the expert) (documents are not systematized, not bound and not numbered , there are no descriptions of the generated documents, sometimes the documents can be provided in several copies), which complicates the study by an expert.
Therefore, it is important to conduct a forensic economic examination, proper preparation of documents, the body (person) who appointed the examination (involved an expert), which should be systematized in chronological order (according to the relevant periods), bound, bound and numbered.
You can get advice on the appointment and conduct of forensic economic examination by calling us or filling out the appropriate form at the link below.
Terms of service |
The approximate terms are:
The exact terms will be calculated at the time of order, taking into account the scope of the study and the current workload of specialists within the limits provided for paragraph 1.13. Section I "Instructions on the appointment and conduct of forensic examinations and expert research", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 08.10.1998 № 53/5. |